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AC shrouds

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12-06-2005, 02:30 PM
AC shrouds
Great forum for Barth owners. I enjoy the repartee among members with their individual problems, concerns. I need two AC shrouds to fit an Intertherm Polaris Rotary AC. These go on a MCC. I am a frugal(cheap)SOB and would like to locate these shrouds, new/used, at a reasonable price. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks; rigajake

12-06-2005, 03:36 PM
bill h
Have you considered repairing the old ones?
12-06-2005, 08:38 PM
Originally posted by bill h:
Have you considered repairing the old ones?

Bill, Wish I could as I am the original,"fix if possible", don't throw anything away person. The shrouds were completely wiped out by backing my coach out of the barn with the ohead door 1" too low. Should have been able to hear the racket but had a farm tractor running in the building. I am thinking I can fabricate a good looking shroud but experience says I will have more invested than a new purchase. Thanks for your reply. rigajake
