Registration: Barthmobile Portal   
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* Account Email Address :
NOTE: This site requires that you verify this email address.
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Public Profile Fields
Note: the information that follows may be viewable by anyone visiting this community. Thus, if you don't feel comfortable about completing certain fields, just leave them blank. Required fields are highlighted.
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Display Email:
This email will be shown to other bulletin board users. If you wish to remain anonymous, leave this field empty.
Avatar / Picture URL :
You can choose an avatar to show on your public member profile page. Animated Avatars are NOT ALLOWED.

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For the most part, commercial advertising is "not allowed" in the FORUM AREAS. The FORUMS are to be treated as "commercial and advertising free." If you offer a service or product for sale and we deem it to be "out of bounds" it will be deleted or “Made An Example Of”. The only commercial/personal advertising you may place is in the "Barth for Sale" or "Barth Sightings" area... And, it better be a Barth!