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Requested Email Change

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03-07-2004, 03:54 PM
Requested Email Change
I have had several requests because of security concerns that I not provide the opportunity for someone to "farm" email addresses from the little mail logo on the site. I do not have the ability to just disable some, it has to be global on or off. So I turned it off. I do have the ability still on my part to send mass emails which you have all received I am sure. I assume that those who do not want to get them have told me that and a few have.

So if you want to exchange email you have to do that on the post or in the past a couple times folks have aske me to give someone their email address.

Let me know what you think about these changes. The request have not been what I would call numerous but there has been more than a few and I understand that.




03-07-2004, 04:33 PM
Touring Bee
I doubt that "Spammers" search sites like this for e-addresss. And if "Joe" and "Moe" want to have a private chit-chat I'd just as soon not have to read it here. I'm for leaving it as it was.
Cheers, John
03-07-2004, 04:53 PM
John I agree with you, if just a couple more speak out, I will return it as it was.


03-07-2004, 05:20 PM
bill h
Spammers are so insidious and resourceful that I doubt this site would make any difference in the amount of spam I receive.

If a person wants to be careful, he/she could post his/her address for a particular reason, then edit it out after its need has passed. For example, a couple of folks posted their addresses so I could send them a file. After they got the file, they could edit out the address before the spammers harvested it.
03-07-2004, 05:47 PM
OK, I got two posts here and two emails so it is back on.

So if you get some more emails to ingarg it with verga don't blame me. Actually I think it's kind of funny to see how many ways you can misspell something.

And by the way individuals can go into their profiles and turn it off them selfs. You can also choose to turn off my mass emails to. Wow, maybe I shouldn't have told you that.

[This message has been edited by davebowers (edited March 07, 2004).]