| I was studying Mechanical Engineering planning on going into motorhome design in the early 1980's. I visited the Foretravel factory in Nacodoches Texas in 1982. They had ACRES of Dodge motorhome chassis'. They made Foretravel motohomes on Dodge chassis until, I think, 1985. (I think Executive did the same thing also.) Ironically, Dodge quit making motorhome chassis in 1979 or 1980. I was told by one of their production people that they stocked up on Dodge chassis in 1979, when Dodge quit making them because they did not want to convert over to a Chevy chassis. (Foretravel used the straight axle, Dodge chassis because it was a heavier chassis than a Chevy....you rarely saw a tag axle Dodge.) He said they had enough chassis' for 5 or 6 years production before they'd have to change over.
Of course, if you remember the times in the mid 1980's, I remember MANY times hearing that "Chevy is going to quit making the 454 next year... NO MORE V-8's next year....All cars will be front-wheel drive...."
There were many plans to scrap the large, V-8 engines....but many times, plans and demand all go awry....hence all the front-wheel drive cars. In 1985, when Cadillac introduced the front wheel drive Deville, it was originally designed to take place of the rear-wheel drive Cadillac. But by the time production came around, gas was cheaper, economy was better, production dies were paid for and they still had a good market for the RWD cars...same at Buick, Olds, Lincoln, etc...You had FWD and RWD cars. (Cadillac used the same dies on the full size car from 1980 until 1992. Car companies make a LOT of money using the same dies for years. My Suburban was from 1973 until 1992 on same dies.)
How many times have you heard of "no more RWD Lincolns?" I've heard that for 10 years.
There might be chance that Barth stocked up on Chevy chassis' because of the rumors that they were going to be discontinued.... |
| Posts: 429 | Location: The Great Midwest | Member Since: 12-04-2009 |  