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Mildew Odor

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07-22-2004, 02:20 PM
Mildew Odor
On to the next challenge; I have a strong mildew odor coming from inside the compartment above the driver side winshield. I have taken out the inserts that I can, but feel no dampness anywhere. When I talked with Tim House he said he never noticed anything. Since I came through a hard rain storm on my trip back from Florida I thought maybe some water got in someplace but then it would be wet I would think and the smell is definately concentrated just in that compartment. Any ideas?


07-22-2004, 04:30 PM
A humid climate presents many opportunities for moisture to hide where it can nurture mold and mildew. FL & MI both have high humidity much of the time, and condensation on interior exposed metal surfaces can harbor mildew as well..

If you can't find a specific source of the odor, I would suggest going over the roof with a good flowable sealant (not silicone) andsealing every exposed screw and rivet, including those inside the running lights, and the base of every device that penetrates your rooftop, including lights, antennas, vents, air conditioners, etc., plus anything I've missed that looks like it might leak. That done, you'll be sure you've conquered any leaks. Be sure your windshield is well-sealed as well.

Keep the rig aired out, and use some kind of dehumidification as well. Also, make sure your odor isn't coming from the engine air condioner.

There are bathroom sprays that are supposed to kill mildew and the odor, but you've got to see it to do it.
07-22-2004, 07:19 PM
Danny Z
One other possible explanation could be a foriegn substance, like some kind of food or even a dead critter of some kind.