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Radiator Resevior is CRUNCHED

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06-14-2005, 12:57 AM
Windsor Dalrymple
Radiator Resevior is CRUNCHED
Well, on the way home from getting my gen set carb replaced (600 bucks!) and genny serviced, I noticed a small coolant puddle after coming out of a resturaunt.

I squeezed the resevoir once I determined that the leakage was coming from it. I figured that I could make it 'weep' and discover the leak source. Imagine my surprise when it crunched beneath my hand like an eggshell.

I guess that 20 odd years of heat cycles made it brittle. GM does not make a replacement anymore, but I was lucky enough to find a square generic replacement that fit on the stock bracket after only drilling one hole in the brace (used the other one) I got it installed in about 3o minutes, taking my time.

I order to share as much information as possible with this fine group, some of whom will likely experience the same failure, the replacement I used is titled

"Deluxe Coolant Recovery Kit" coded 9-1663 by a company called "champ". It included the bottle, pressure cap, tubing, clamps, screws and a wire hanger basket.

Company who manufactured it is :

Champ Service Line

Division of Standard Motor Products

Edwardsville, KS 66111

Hope you don't need this information, if you know what I mean!
06-14-2005, 01:07 AM
Well just how much is a CHAMP kit? Sounds like you took a DEEP breath and went at it. Good for you.

Thanks for sharing your issue.
