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Gas Tank Problem

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11-14-2002, 10:23 PM
Gas Tank Problem
I don't think I have ever mentioned this however I have a problem filling my front gas tank. The back one filles easy and the front one seems to fill easy when it is almost empty. However, when it is half full or more then gas drips out the over flow. Shame on me but I have been know to close my eyes pull back on the trigger and let'er go and dump a little gas on the ground. Again, however, if it is almost empty then it will let me fill up and there is no leak. Anyone have any comments on this???

Shortcuts Always Take Longer
11-15-2002, 05:36 AM
bill h
Can you get to the top of your tank? If you remove the vent hose and can fill the tank easily, something upstream is wrong, like a pinched or kinked hose or plugged canister. Or you could blow in the lines at the engine end to check for blockage. Take a look at the manual for your year and follow the hoses in the drawing in the emissions chapter. If your is an 84, I can help with the drawing.