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pull down bed?

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04-08-2008, 12:19 PM
Kris & Tina Jones
pull down bed?
Anyone have any info at all on the findability of one of those beds that you pull down from the ceiling? they are usually above the drivers seat and i can not find them on the internet anywhere.
I suppose the spring loaded bracket mechanism is the most important thing as I could probably manufacture the rest myself.
04-08-2008, 12:30 PM
Mary Ray
I have one in my Barth if you need pics or measurements, Just let me know.


Don't mess with us old folks, we don't get old by being stupid!
1968 Barth trailer, 1975 Barth Motorhome and 1985 Barth Motorhome

04-08-2008, 01:32 PM
Neil T.
I have one too, luv it. They are actually very common. I would do a google search od RV salvage yards and you should be able to find one.

77 28' Rear Bath
The "Budget BARTH"
04-08-2008, 02:09 PM
Kris & Tina Jones
any chance there is an existing manufacturers name on either one of your coaches? The rv salvage yard is a great idea and i would prefer a used unit to keep the cost down anyway. Would you equate the size equivalent to a twin bed or a full or even a queen? Thanks again
04-08-2008, 02:33 PM
Mary Ray
Mine is twin size, will look for manufacturer when I get home and let you know.


Don't mess with us old folks, we don't get old by being stupid!
1968 Barth trailer, 1975 Barth Motorhome and 1985 Barth Motorhome

04-09-2008, 10:13 PM
Mary Ray
I can't find a manufacturer on my pull down bed, in fact I don't see any info on it at all.


Don't mess with us old folks, we don't get old by being stupid!
1968 Barth trailer, 1975 Barth Motorhome and 1985 Barth Motorhome

04-10-2008, 07:18 AM
Kris & Tina Jones
Thanks anyway. When I find the manufacturer I will post it.
04-10-2008, 08:19 AM
We talked about this a few years ago - it should be somewhere in the archives....

As I recall, we located only one mfgr still making them, and they were in the "mid-teens" of hundreds of dollars. (plus matress)

Pull downs were popular in the early days of motorhome design (late '60's thru '70's), when 28' was considered L-O-N-G.....

From my observations, Fleetwood, Winnie and the smaller players all used the same mechanisms, and they should be readily available in the salvage market. (i.e.: My '73 Winnie & '78 Barth had/have identical pull down units)

A quick Google search should bring up several hits of high-volume RV salvage yards across the country.....I have to think that there are tons of old RV's that have died from other natural causes, leaving good pull down bunks behind......
04-10-2008, 09:59 AM
Bill N.Y.
Originally posted by Lee:
We talked about this a few years ago - it should be somewhere in the archives....
I tracked it down. Here is the post.

˙ʎ˙u ןןıq- „ǝןƃuɐ ʇuǝɹǝɟɟıp ɐ ɯoɹɟ pןɹoʍ ǝɥʇ ʇɐ ʞooן ɐ ƃuıʞɐʇ sı ǝɟıן oʇ ʇǝɹɔǝs ǝɥʇ„

Regis Widebody1990 Barth Regis Widebody
8908 0128 40RDS-C1
L-10 Cummins
Allison MT647 Transmission
Spartan Chassis
Regal Conversion1991 Medical Lab Conversion
9102 3709 33S-12
Ford 460 MPFI
C6 Transmission
Oshkosh Chassis

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04-10-2008, 08:49 PM
Kris & Tina Jones
Thanks again Bill and everyone else involved. Talked to a couple of salvage yards and they both have more than one to choose from. As far as Kwikee goes, they stopped manufacturing the pull down beds a few years back but still sell rv parts and supplies out of Misshawaka In. 1-541-942-3888