This section was designed to contain no more than two G33K's at a time. Please, do not overload the servers by hanging out in here for an extended period of time ;-) The un-official "Host" is Rusty, he'll weigh in on anything posted in this section. Have fun...
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No New ContentDiscussion Topicelon musk starmanDoug Smiley12771
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No New ContentDiscussion TopicHave you seen this?Doug Smiley22842
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No New ContentDiscussion TopicAurora borealis for MinnesnowtansMarvin+Doris64193
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No New ContentHot TopicDiscussion TopicSolar Eclipse 8/21/17   Page 1 2 Rusty2814191
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No New ContentDiscussion TopicKnow hybrid CASSIOPE??Doug Smiley02196
No New ContentDiscussion Topicsuper bright star/planetJim & Barb53935
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No New ContentDiscussion TopicComet 45P, CPA 10:45PM Friday 2/9/17Rusty02182
No New ContentDiscussion TopicSuperduperhyper MoonRusty74779
by Mary Ray
No New ContentDiscussion TopicPerseids Meteor Shower 8/11-12-13Rusty54258
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No New ContentDiscussion TopicSalt GazingRusty02125
No New ContentDiscussion TopicFull Moon TodayKevin22003
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No New ContentDiscussion TopicTo Stand Directly Under An Exploding Nuclear Bomb???Doug Smiley01965
No New ContentDiscussion Topic"NASA Spots Giant Space Bubble!"Rusty02330
No New ContentDiscussion TopicSolar Impulse on its way againMWrench01803
No New ContentDiscussion TopicSolar Eclipse Tonight 3/8/16 11PMRusty01868
No New ContentDiscussion TopicDeath by Meteorite? India Tragedy May Be 1st in Recorded HistoryDoug Smiley12352
by Rusty
No New ContentDiscussion TopicYou're Gonna Like Thistowerguy54696
by Doug Smiley
No New ContentDiscussion TopicLunar Eclipse 9/27/15 9:07 PM EDTRusty54133
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No New ContentDiscussion Topic?Kevin12205
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No New ContentDiscussion TopicPluto Flyby on TVRusty01648
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    Forums    Star Gazing & Other Non Automotive Hobbies

This website is dedicated to the Barth Custom Coach, their owners and those who admire this American made, quality crafted, motor coach.
We are committed to the history, preservation and restoration of the Barth Custom Coach.